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Become A Published Author INSTANTLY (Real Estate Books)

Writer's picture: Jerad LarkinJerad Larkin

Updated: Jan 25, 2024

📕 Print BOOKS with YOU as the AUTHOR for Real Estate Topics.

📗 Create a book Instantly that shows you as the PUBLISHED AUTHOR.

📙 You can edit and alter ANY PAGE of the book!

📘 Authorify is a book publisher that brands and customizes their books to YOU so that you are shown as the author.

Check this out right here. Check it out. I am officially a published author and guess what? You can be too. This is pretty cool.

Hey, Jerad Larkin, Chicago Title. I'm always looking to share really cool marketing ideas, cool ways to kind of separate yourself out in the real estate industry.

And today I wanna share with you right here a resource where basically this company creates and publishes books that brand you as the expert on various topics within real estate to help you basically try to drum up more business, drum up more deals. I think this is perfect.

Maybe you're meeting with a client or a prospect or your door knocking or your cold calling and you want something to follow up with. Check this out. They sent me a ton. I got these., check out the website, they'll send you a free sample. They sent me 20 books. So check it out, pick one of their books. And I think it's a unique idea.

By the way, side note, real quick, if you're watching this and you actually are a real published author and actually putting the work, hey, props to you, okay? No disrespect. This is just what I thought was a really unique marketing idea by a company that's trying to do something different to help real estate agents.

Pretty cool. Check 'em out., get your published book. We got tons of different options on there. Hope that was helpful.

Hey, I'm Jerad Larkin, Chicago Title. If you have any real estate marketing questions, title escrow questions, please reach out to me, be happy to help you.

Feel free to attend one of my classes. I'm always sharing marketing ideas, tools resources for real estate agents. If you want access to other real estate marketing ideas, resources, strategies, a lot of stuff I just give away for free check out my website,

Sign up for my bi-monthly video email newsletters where I share nothing but valuable tools and resources. I invite you to upcoming classes that I'm teaching hosted. Some of them are CE-certified.

And of course, if you have any questions, give me a shout. Until next time, I'm gonna be hanging out with Carl. Take care, bye.


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